Monday, August 15, 2011


2.AYURVEDIC HIV TREATMENT- In Ayurveda treatment for HIV they prepare medicines to increase the immunity several times more than normal immunity. In such cases even if HIV attacks Immunity, it can not cause much damage as the increase in immunity will be high.

Ayurvedic HIV Treatment is based on this. Types of Ayurveda treatments and medicines for HIV-are

1. Ayurvedic HIV Treatment using VIRUS Killers- In ayurveda there are potent virus killers which can Kill different viruses. including HIV Virus - Examples aree chathura,

2.Ayurvedic HIV Treatment using IMMUNE Developers- Through this Ayurvedic HIV Treatment we can develop immunity and CD4 cells as well as CD8 cells. This will increase immunity and equip patient to fight HIV. Examples of such medicines are Chyavanprash, Ashwagandha Rasayana, Ajamamsa Rasayana, KanmadaRasayana, Shonitha Baskara Arishta. Very effective if combined with first type of treatment.

3. Ayurvedic HIV Treatment using BODY CLEANERS- Such kind of drugs can clean body , nerves, even cells. Such cleaning drug examples are- Shonitha Baskara Arishta, nanary Arishta, Ksheera Bala. Very good for huge increase in immunity.

Ayurvedic HIV Treatment using and research- There are lot of research works going on in this subject. In kerala Kotakal Ayurvaidya shala making lot of efforts in this direction. Ayurveda associations are spending lot of money in this regard. HIV Treatment through ayurveda is gaining ground as no side effects in ayurveda

Less side effects, but not so simple to use. If is effective and not so costly.

Dosages and medicines will be different in different cases. Many companies are promoting several successful Ayurvedic products with Anti HIV Qualities. In short Ayurveda HIV treatment can check the illness but can not cure fully.

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