Monday, August 22, 2011

AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, also known as HIV. When this virus enters the human body, it attacks the immune system, causing a series of infections, finally resulting in AIDS. AIDS is caused due to many reasons, the chief reason being unprotected sex with an infected person. AIDS can also be spread through blood transfusions, using infected needles and from the mother to the child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. The initial HIV symptoms in men usually go unnoticed since they are very mild in nature. The body becomes prone to many contagious and infectious diseases, since an attack of the HIV completely destroys the immune system.

When the human immunodeficiency virus enters the body, it always attacks the lymph glands, to destroy the white blood cells or lymphocytes. The virus multiplies inside the lymph glands quickly, but the signs of the presence of the virus take time to surface. The symptoms of HIV in men may vary from person to person, where some individuals may show immediate signs, and in some individuals it may take time for the virus to spread. Usually the early HIV symptoms in men may be mistaken for cold and flu or any other viral infection. The stages of severity of HIV are branched according to the symptoms, like early or mild stage, moderate stage and severe stage. It has been observed that usually men display the early symptoms of the attack of this harmful virus. Let's discuss about the HIV symptoms in men.

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